Our activities


CFL stands for Centre de Formation Liweitari, or Liweitari Training Center. Liweitari means “hill of peace” in the local language Ditamari.

We want to offer young Africans professional vocational training regardless of their religious affiliation, social background or gender. Applicants are selected according to their abilities, regardless of their financial means.

The extensive training in various professions should help to ensure that the country has access to urgently needed, well-trained workers and that each individual apprentice can take their life into their own hands.

You can find out more about our work under Vision.


  • The financing of the training rests on three pillars:
  • A modest school fee (so that applicants from poorer backgrounds can also afford it)
  • Sale of products and services
  • Local and foreign support from private individuals or organizations (especially from our partner associations in Switzerland and Germany)
Machines and equipment

The CFL is certainly one of the best equipped training centers in Benin. We work in all areas with a variety of high-quality machines and tools that allow us the highest precision and advanced quality in our work and training.

Some of our machines, equipment and vehicles were provided by our partner associations in Switzerland and Germany and imported by shipping containers. As a result, the equipment for our technical training operations is almost unique in Benin.

But it is not only our practical equipment that is exemplary. Our classrooms also have modern equipment. Laptops are available to the apprentices for some subjects and teaching materials from Switzerland promise training to high European standards.


Centre Liweitari

Centre de Formation Liweitari

Ecole Pratique d’Agriculture Liweitari

Ecole Primaire Liweitari